Wednesday, February 27, 2008

like This....and That...

I am very nervous. I have had a lot of firsts, but somehow thinking about this one leaves me high-strung.

Last week, I very enthusiastically enrolled myself for dance classes in salsa. The classes were to be held in the office gym and that too during working hours. I figured there was no better way to kill time at work, and besides most South Indian girls find guys who can shake their legs the right way, quite irresistible. (Ask Sreesanth)

But as the moment of reckoning came closer and closer, I began to realize that I have never before asked my body parts to obey my mind and move in gracious harmony. All that I have done in the name of dance is throw my arms and legs around in random motion that resembles the celebrations of an Indian tail-ender when he hits Andre Nel for a six over long on. And that's when I realized that I was in some trouble.

What if I end up looking like a petrified jerk while all the others move lithely and effortlessly to the music? What if my dance partner realizes that I have two left feet and stamps me on the foot in frustration?

No, I couldn't let that happen. I decided I wouldn't give in without a fight. I would practice. I would at least not end up looking like a guy trying to do yogasanaas on a tread mill. NO.

And then this came to my rescue. I can't thank Paul and Neela more for bailing me out and giving me much needed confidence. "Salsa is no more than walking" - what else could I ask for! Besides, Neela's voluptuous assets has gotten me all excited again.

And so here I am, still nervous but a lot more confident than before. I sure hope that I don't put a foot wrong. Wish me luck!


Jayanth said...

do u actually believe that oracle would recruit Pro dancers to do their code.. gimme a break.. i am sure all would be as pathetic as you..

Jayanth said...

PS: u still haven't changed the name

blitzkrieg said...

Yet Another Hippie in Official Oracle :D

Good Luck! Watch your third leg Jingo!

Anonymous said...

all the best...don't worry we would all be there to watch u do salsa :P

Unknown said...

oh puhleeezee... :P how lame... notice how i'm "subtly" not supporting u again...

Mahesh Shastry said...

salsa... alone? who's the lucky girl, saaaMaaan?

Aso4762 said...

Useless man! Just go and dance...Yo baby!

Safari Al said...

you are dancing with a woman???